Thursday, September 11, 2008

Every Breath

Every morning driving to work I listen to the Jack Diamond Morning Show (a falta de Cesar Miguel y sus silencios elocuentes). Most days they just make me laugh, but every so often a comment made by Jack - isolated from all the nonesense his co-hosts say - strikes a cord and makes me think about some deep issue. Today the issue was, of course, 9/11. It was a date that changed the world, but only living here have a begun to understand the deep hurt this country feels. They are having a memorial at the Pentagon today, and that's how the conversation started.

But Jack's message, even though derived from this day in our past, was more related to our present and our future. He talked about how precious and unpredictable life is. This is something we all know but we'd arther forget and not ponder. It scares us way too much. "Living" is a great miracle. We take for granted every breath we take; every breath others take, and in the blink of and eye it could all be over.

Imagine how many people look upon that day with regrets! Some left their homes in a hurry that morning, not having kissed their spouse and children goodbye; Some had gotten in an argument the day before and didn't get a chance to say they were sorry; some hadn't called someone they loved in a while, and they never got around it.

So much left unsaid and undone...

How often do we put off important details like these because we think we don't have time now? We tell ourselves we'll do them tomorrow.

Tomorrow may never come.

Today could be our last chance.

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