Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Stranger I've Become

Have you ever looked back at your life and wondered when did you make that one decision that changed your course? When did you deviate from the path you had planned so carefully?

For a few days, I've been wondering how did that happen. And it's not that I regret what my life has become. It may not all be good, but I would certainly be a different person had the path to get here been different. And I wouldn't want to be anyone else.

I just wonder what happened. Call it, if you may, an irrational curiosity; or maybe nostalgia for the person I could have been. It has been indeed a little sad; almost like discovering that one of your childhood friends passed away without your knowing about it. It's a deep melancholic feeling produced by accepting a fact that can't be changed but that stirs important memories.

Today I look at a stranger's face when I look into the mirror. It takes me over for a few seconds and then I look into the familiar eyes staring back at me. Somehow my essence has survived. I'm still there, but where did my dreams go? Were they ever within my reach? Did I give up? or did they change and evolve? And if so, why does it hurt now to realize they are gone?

And so I grieve the dreams that will never come true.

Tomorrow, I'll joyously accept and cherish the woman I am. Again.

1 comment:

Toto said...

Hope you do. I did that same exercise a while back. Went back in time and found the place, person and moment that changed my life. It hasn't all been a bed of roses but it has all happened because of that moment. That's who we are and that's what makes us!